The new fence!

The new fence!

Project Status: COMPLETE!

We are thrilled to announce that the Arco Iris project has been implemented with the wonderful support of hundreds of donations, large and small. The center of Arco Iris continues to provide meals to the children of the neighborhood as well as activities for adults. They are very excited to have a safe and secure place to learn and a great playground for the children!


the first stages of construction...

06 November 2007

Project Goals - Details....

GOAL: To cooperatively construct an enclosure for the community center Arco Iris while improving community cohesion, providing security for the sewing and bakery workshops, constructing a safe and stimulating play area for the children, and creating a secure space for a garden that will supply fresh produce to the Arco Iris kitchen.

The Short-term Objectives are:

Community Awareness: Encourage the inclusion of various sectors of the population, promoting dialogue and communication within the community, by holding the community event and the subsequent weekly meetings

Evaluate: Compare the results of informal before-and-after interviews with the assistance of the director of Arco Iris, Maria Susini. These interviews will focus on the opinions that community members hold regarding the community center, and their knowledge of the types of activities they may participate in. The “before” interviews will also gather detailed information on their hopes for this project, while the “after” interviews will evaluate their perceptions of the implementation of this project. Are more community members aware of Arco Iris activities? How many have increased their trust in the community as a whole?

Infrastructure Development: Build an aesthetically-pleasing and secure iron bar fence with a cement base that encloses the community center’s yard, a rectangular space that measures 43.3 meters by 48.3 meters

Evaluate: Compare before-and-after photos; during interviews, ask community members about their opinions on the final result. In both the short- and long-term, have robberies and/or vandalism occurred?

Playground Installation: Create a safe and stimulating play space for the children of the community center

Evaluate: Compare before-and-after photos; ask interviewees their opinions on the final project; interview the Arco Iris staff after project is completed.

Education: Conduct at least two gardening classes open to the community in conjunction with Biosfera

Evaluate: How many children and community members participate in the courses and activities offered? (At least 20 adults will be considered a success).

The Long-term Objectives are:

Community Cohesion: Strengthen ties between Arco Iris and community members

Evaluate: Conduct follow-up interviews with Arco Iris staff and locals six months after project implementation.

Maintenance: Maintain the play set and the fence, cleaning and making repairs as is necessary

Evaluate: Conduct interviews and follow-up visits to site, at three-month intervals for at least one year; subsequently conduct annual visits and evaluations.

Outdoor Activities: Hold more daily activities outdoors in the safer play and learning environment

Evaluate: Through interviews, obtain information about changes in daily activities. Have the number of injuries and fights decreased? Is at least one new outdoor activity (i.e. gardening class) incorporated into the weekly routines?

Supply Food: Provide a reliable source of fresh produce to the Arco Iris kitchen

Evaluate: Is the garden capable of providing vegetables for the meals prepared for the children? Has the monthly amount spent on fresh produce decreased (assuming no change in local prices)? Interviews will be used to evaluate.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Congrats on the clear and able to be met project goals!